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Implementation of a web application is the stage that follows a careful identification of your needs, preparing documentation and a corresponding mockup, and development of a beta version of your application. It is created in accordance with the decisions made during your conversations with our advisor. The aim of these conversations is to get a clear view of your expectations about the software that is to be developed. It is the guidelines and instructions included in the mockup that determine the direction of the application development. That's why effective two-way communication between you and our advisor is key.
Launching the app
Once the testing stage has passed through, we launch the final version of the application. We only move to this stage after the beta version has been accepted. The software we make available for testing is located on our server. We enter fictional data into the application to enable you to check how the processes work in the system and whether their functionality falls in line with your expectations. If you accept the beta version, Kamee delivers the Release To Web version of the application to you along with the documentation gathered during the process of the app development, the source code and the manual. With all that, in the future, you can introduce modifications to the software or develop it according to your company needs.
Implementation of the solution
The application, which is already your property, can be now implemented in your company. In order to do that, your employees need to be trained in how the application works. Our team offers support in this respect, using various methods, including both face-to-face and online training. The time devoted to proper training for the users of the application guarantees a successful adaptation of the solution in the company. Availability of our advisor allows you to resolve any doubts that may arise as you use the software.
During the initial period of using the software in your company and while we train your employees, we enter all the necessary data, e. g. concerning clients, orders, schedules, storage. In most cases, the implemented application is supposed to replace multiple separate systems, therefore, data migration is crucial at the initial stage. At this stage, to avoid potential misunderstanding, it is also worth to decide on who will be responsible for particular stages of the realization of certain processes.
Final stage of the implementation
Once the above steps have been completed, the implementation of the application is done. Then you only need to use the software. It is still possible to introduce changes in the source code or add new functions if needed. In case of such a necessity, the whole process starts from the beginning: identification of the new needs, preparation of the documentation and the mockup, development of the beta version, testing, approval of the beta version, launching the RTW version, implementation.
Web app implementation is a multistage process. Skipping or shortening one of the stages can result in using the solution inefficiently or complete resignation from the software. Taking into consideration the amount of time and money needed to develop and implement such software, it is advisable to complete each stage carefully, which will repay in optimized processes in your company and higher profit.
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See our work:
Web application for a distribution company - CRM/ERP/BI/SCM - Otwock, Poland
Intranet - E-Commerce - UK, US, Brazil, Singapore, Turkey, Russia, UAE, Poland